The manager's compass : Making the most of soft skills in the workplace

Publication DGAFP

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As part of its work on transforming organisations and changing managerial practices, the DGAFP is releasing a fourth part of The Manager's Compass. Inspired by collective discussions and exchanges with a team of managers and experts from different areas of the public sector, "The Manager's Compass" targets all managers wishing to go deeper into some of the current HR topics.

Version française

The aim of this publication is therefore to meet direct managers' expectations by offering them practical guidelines, illustrations and concrete initiatives relating to the main HR issues within the public sector.

This fourth section explores the question of professional soft skills. Unlike hard skills, which are more technicals, the soft skills call more on human, relational or contextual skills. Interpersonal skills characterize the identity of each individual, build work collectives and influence the productivity of structures. They are therefore a real challenge in terms of human resources for local managers. 
The DGAFP invites readers to discover some operational levers and inspiring testimonials, allowing managers to value and develop individual and collective soft skills in the context of their activities.

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