The Manager's Compass
Autres pages | Publié le 21 juin 2023 | Mis à jour le 03 juillet 2023
The Manager's Compass, practical information sheets for direct managers on current HR topics.
As part of its work on transforming organisations and changing managerial practices, the DGAFP is proposing a periodical publication entitled "The manager's compass". This publication of practical information sheets is designed to complement the guide for managers in the civil service, published in 2017.
Inspired by collective discussions and exchanges with a team of managers and experts from different areas of the public sector (central administration, local state services and local authorities and hospital civil service, etc.), "The Manager's Compass" targets all managers wishing to go deeper into some of the current HR topics.
The aim of these practical information sheets is to support direct managers by offering them practical guidelines, initiatives and concrete illustrations relating to the administration's major HR challenges.
The manager's compass : Managing by values
Values refer to a system of cohesion and coherence within a group. They bring people together in a work group and enable each individual to orientate his or her behaviour, communication and professional actions around shared principles and rules. Thinking about values can therefore take place in a variety of contexts and meet a range of individual and collective objectives. It is therefore a key dimension for managers, whether they want to bring more meaning to the work of their team, strengthen the commitment of their employees or attract new talent.
The manager's compass : Intergenerational management
Today, several generations live together within our organisations. This is a real asset for departments, but also a real challenge for managers, who have to juggle different practices, approaches and relationships to work on a daily basis. The DGAFP therefore invites readers to discover some of the levers and actions that can be implemented to turn this generational diversity into a real strength and an oportunity for the workgroup. Inspiring initiatives and good practices are also presented through testimonials and documentary resources.
The manager's compass : Conflict management
This is neither a new nor an unusual issue. However, conflict resolution is an important issue for managers, who need to ensure cohesion within the workgroup and the effectiveness of their teams' actions. Readers are invited to discover some of the levers and actions that can be implemented.