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10 résultats dans la catégorie Autres
...Février 2009 The aim of the study is to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the various social dialogue systems within central public administrations across Europe. The actors, their roles and competencies, as well as the outputs in the field of...Comparative Analysis of the Social Dialogue in Central Public Administrations of the European Union Member States...
...Management and Working Conditions of the Senior Civil Servants in European Union Member States...
...This document is a temporary working document from the French Presidency which has been developped thanks to the contribution and expertise of the members of the EUPAN Human Ressource Working Group. This work will be continued under the Czech Presidency...Administration and the Civil Service in the EU 27 Members States...
...The study conducted by Ernst & Young at the request of the French Presidency of the European Union provides an overview of ongoing changes in the world of HR and, at the same time, gives some hints at what lies ahead. It is based on the results of a questionnaire issued in September 2008, with answers from more than 300 public administration executives from 26 countries....
...Persuant to the French Data Protection Act dated January 6, 1978, you have a right to access, rectify, modify and delete your personal data. You can make use of this right by sending an email to the webmaster or by sending a letter to the following address : DGAFP, Mission Communication - 139 rue de Bercy 75012 Paris. ...Send a message to the redaction team of vision RH...
... et approches opérationnelles Performance de la fonction ressources humaines : définitions et cadre d'analyse Hauts fonctionnaires en Europe Human Resources Management Performance Assessment : analysis and operational dimension Administration and the Civil...
...HR Overview - Monitoring Human Resources news from France, Europe and around the world...
...Read monthly HR news in France and abroad, in the public and private sectors Nr 44 - April 2022 Monthly focus: Trends in retirement plans. vision RH is an overview newsletter on the civil service and human resources. The four-page issue is based on an...
... des ressources humaines (PFRH) La DGAFP et la coopération internationale administrative The DGAFP and international administrative cooperation...
..., le système de fourniture d'informations cartographiques en Suède, le dépôt de plaintes sur Internet en Espagne la communication électronique des auxiliaires de justice en Autriche le changement d'adresse en Finlande “Democracy on the net” au Danemark...